Raise your hand if you feel like time is flying by and standing still all at once! 

Lately, it feels like weeks are just speeding by and I can’t keep up with the calendar. One thing that I’m working on is planning better in order to get ahead of things, rather than always feeling like I’m catching up. Introducing… Future Fridays!

Here’s my plan: On Fridays, I’m going to start taking a little bit of time to look ahead at the coming week and answer the following questions for myself - 

  1. What clothes will I want to wear next week? (So I can make sure they get cleaned over the weekend.)

  2. What prep work gets to get done for my coming work week to be smooth and successful? What deadlines are coming? Where can I get ahead to be prepared for any meetings, for my staff to be successful, etc.?

  3. Was there any follow up needed for anyone from the week that would be good to complete before the weekend, so that it’s not a scramble on Monday to figure out? 

  4. What meals will we eat next week? (So I can make a grocery list and plan to shop for those things over the weekend.) 

  5. Where can I schedule self-honor/down time in my coming week?

  6. Are there any additional things on my schedule that are not normally there? If so, does that require me to alter my schedule/plan in any way this week? (like a vet appointment or weeknight dinner with friends.)

  7. What is the one thing I get to do next week that I don’t want to do? Where will I schedule it? How will I celebrate when that is complete? 

  8. Who do I want to make sure to connect with in the coming week? 

I believe by being more intentional on Fridays in looking forward to the coming week, I will feel less like I’m always playing catch up and time is flying by! 

Who wants to join me in doing Future Fridays? What questions will you ask yourself to be prepared for the coming week? Let us know in the comments!

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